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Richmond District 圖書館與中華文化學習中心聯合舉辦的中秋節慶典圓滿成功,吸引了眾多社區居民熱情參與。活動通過漢服展示與卡拉OK社交,促進了中國文化的傳播與社區間的交流。


The Mid-Autumn Festival celebration, co-hosted by the Richmond District Library and the Chinese Cultural Learning Center, was a great success, attracting enthusiastic participation from many community members. The event featured a Hanfu showcase and a karaoke social, fostering cultural exchange and community bonding.


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On September 28, 2024, we participated in the 3rd annual community event with the Richmond neighborhood, setting up a booth jointly organized by the Taiwan Center for Mandarin Learning (TCML) and the Chinese Cultural Learning Center to promote our educational programs. The event attracted many local residents, increasing their interest in learning Mandarin and strengthening our connection with the community.


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南灣華僑文教中心的國慶晚宴慶祝中華民國雙十國慶,並展示了中華文化的多樣與魅力。TCML 的學生林來恩以經典中文歌曲展現了他們對中文學習的投入與文化傳承的推廣。


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Children After School Program

Children After School Program

Details and Registration

Children Chinese Enrichment Program

Children Chinese Enrichment Program

Details and Registration

TCML Chinese Class for Adults

TCML Chinese Class for Adults

Details and Registration

2024 Singing Competition

2024 Singing Competition

Details and Registration

US Summer Program

US Summer Program

Details and Registration

我們的老師 Our Teachers

Exp. Chinese Teacher
Christine Pan

Exp. High School Teacher
Tina Garcia

Sr. Language and Culture Teacher
Celine Lee

Language Teacher
Joanne Lin

Language Teacher
Xiu-mei Chen

Ariel Chang

Certificate of Honor for Celine Lee


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Chinese Cultural Learning Center