Let’s Learn Mandarin(For Children ) Flashcards
2024年5月22日,「中華文化學習中心」 在 Oakland St. Paul’s Episcopal School 的中文課 舉辦了期末成果展,展示了 K-2年級學生的學習成果。學生們在家長面前展示了他們在學期中的進步和成就,家長們對孩子們的表現感到非常滿意和驕傲。這次活動不僅展示了學生們的努力和進步,也促進了家校之間的互動。家長們的熱情參與和積極反饋表明他們對學校的教學工作非常支持,並對下一次的註冊充滿期待。
On May 22, 2024, the Chinese Cultural Learning Center held an achievement exhibition at Oakland St. Paul’s Episcopal School, showcasing the learning achievements of K-2 grade students. These students demonstrated their progress and accomplishments from the semester in front of their parents, who felt very satisfied and proud of their children’s performances. This event not only highlighted the students’ hard work and progress but also enhanced the interaction between the school and families. The enthusiastic participation and positive feedback from parents indicate their strong support for the school’s educational efforts and their anticipation for the next enrollment period. The Chinese Cultural Learning Center provides two-hour weekly classes that seamlessly integrate Chinese culture and language into the students’ learning. These courses help students gain a deep understanding and experience of the rich and diverse Chinese culture while improving their language skills. The successful hosting of this achievement exhibition fully reflects our efforts and accomplishments in promoting Chinese language and culture. Students have not only made significant academic progress but have also deepened their understanding and respect for different cultures through the cultural courses. This enriches their learning experience and promotes cultural exchange and integration. The annual achievement exhibition concluded successfully, showcasing students’ learning outcomes and strengthening the connection and communication between parents and the school. Parents’ positive feedback provides strong motivation for the school’s future educational work, and we look forward to continued progress in the next semester.