Summer Program 2020 Open for Enrollment! 2020暑期班 現正招生中!


  • 週一

    • 09:00AM : 健康早操
    • 09:30AM : 珠算數學課
    • 10:45AM : 書法毛筆課
    • 12:00PM : 清 潔 環 境 & 休 息 時 間
    • 01:00PM : 小吃製作
    • 02:30PM : 民俗童話故事
    • 03:30PM : 休 息 時 間

  • 週二

    • 09:00AM : 健康早操
    • 09:30AM : 繪畫藝術課
    • 10:45AM : 皮影/掌中戲
    • 12:00PM : 清 潔 環 境 & 休 息 時 間
    • 01:00PM : 童玩
    • 02:30PM : 手語唱遊活動
    • 03:30PM : 休 息 時 間

  • 週三

    • 09:00AM : 健康早操
    • 09:30AM : 中文語言課
    • 10:45AM : 烹飪
    • 12:00PM : 清 潔 環 境 & 休 息 時 間
    • 01:00PM : 泥塑課
    • 02:30PM : 中國結課程
    • 03:30PM : 休 息 時 間

  • 週四

    • 09:00AM : 健康早操
    • 09:30AM : 繪畫藝術課
    • 10:45AM : 創作
    • 12:00PM : 清 潔 環 境 & 休 息 時 間
    • 01:00PM : 舞龍舞獅課程
    • 02:30PM : 手工藝術
    • 03:30PM : 休 息 時 間

  • 週五

    • 09:00AM : 健康早操
    • 09:30AM : 中文會話課
    • 10:45AM : 烹飪
    • 12:00PM : 清 潔 環 境 & 休 息 時 間
    • 01:00PM : 戶外教學
    • 02:30PM : 放風箏
    • 03:30PM : 休 息 時 間


招生對象: K – 5

課程模式: 全日班 9AM – 4PM

上課期間 (可選擇參加任何一週 請來電詢問): 第一期: 6 /15 - 6/19 , 6/22 - 6/26, 第二期: 7 /06 - 7 /10, 7/13 - 7/17, 第三期: 7 /20 - 7/ 24 , 7/27 - 7/31, 第四期: 8 /03 - 8/ 07

報名費: $40, 材料費: $40

3月30日之前報名者, 免收報名費

提早或延遲接送,30 分酌收 $6/ 天










美術 繪畫

美術 繪畫





  • Monday

    • 09:00AM : Morning Exercise
    • 09:30AM : Abacus Math
    • 10:45AM : Chinese Culture
    • 12:00PM : Clean-up & Break time
    • 01:00PM : Chinese market food making
    • 02:30PM : Story time
    • 03:30PM : Snacks time

  • Tuesday

    • 09:00AM : Morning Exercise
    • 09:30AM : Art, Painting
    • 10:45AM : Shadow Play
    • 12:00PM : Clean-up & Break time
    • 01:00PM : Folk-games
    • 02:30PM : Song & Dance
    • 03:30PM : Snacks time

  • Wednesday

    • 09:00AM : Morning Exercise
    • 09:30AM : Chinese
    • 10:45AM : Culinary Art
    • 12:00PM : Clean-up & Break time
    • 01:00PM : Clay Modeling
    • 02:30PM : Chinese Knot
    • 03:30PM : Snacks time

  • Thursday

    • 09:00AM : Morning Exercise
    • 09:30AM : Art
    • 10:45AM : Creative
    • 12:00PM : Clean-up & Break time
    • 01:00PM : Lion Dance
    • 02:30PM : Handcrafts
    • 03:30PM : Snacks time

  • Friday

    • 09:00AM : Morning Exercise
    • 09:30AM : Chinese Conversation
    • 10:45AM : Culinary Art
    • 12:00PM : Clean-up & Break time
    • 01:00PM : Outdoor Activity
    • 02:30PM : Field trip
    • 03:30PM : Snacks time

Program Information

Enrollment: K – 5

Program Options: All Day 9AM – 4PM

Enrollment Sessions: Session 1: 6 /15 - 6/19 , 6/22 - 6/26, Session 2: 7 /06 - 7 /10, 7/13 - 7/17, Session 3: 7 /20 - 7/ 24 , 7/27 - 7/31, Session 4: 8 /03 - 8/ 07

Registration Fee: $40, material $40

Register before 3/31, Registration Fee Waived

5% discount when you enroll two or more

$6 per 30 mins for early check-in, or extending care

Please bring your own lunch box, utensils, and snacks.



Traditional characters are a form of artistic masterpiece, and are also representative of 5000 years of Chinese civilization. Through play, children learn practical Mandarin, grow interest in the language, and strengthen their listening and speaking ability. Some activities include: narrating stories based off pictures to develop their expressiveness, learning Mandarin songs to promote interest, and playing Bingo to reinforce Chinese character recognition.
Abacus Math

Abacus Math

Develops children’s concentration and endurance. Enhances their sense of numbers through math problems. And lay a good mathematical foundation for the future.


The culture of Chinese calligraphy has a rich history. Learning Chinese calligraphy develops brush stroke techniques and fluid composition of Chinese characters. Calligraphy settles the mind, calms emotions, cultivates character & temperament, as well as develops artistic ability. Practicing Chinese calligraphy immerses children in a beautiful literary world.
Culinary Art

Culinary Art

Learn what all sorts of vegetables, fruits, and meats are called in Chinese. Step into the kitchen and make your own meal, such as: sandwiches, hamburgers, scallion pancakes, and rice balls. Experience what is involved in gathering ingredients. Understand how to value not waste resources. Appreciate the meals parents prepare for you everyday.
Art, Painting

Art, Painting

This class develops students’ sense of dynamic colors and shapes. Students are encouraged to find creativity and inspiration in their daily lives and transform mundane objects into unique arts. Our curriculum also invites students to learn about various important art works and hone their observation skills in order to expand their creative horizons.
Ethics & Humanities

Ethics & Humanities

Chinese tradition states we have a moral responsibility to nature and our fellow man. Children practice good manners such that “Please”, “Thank you”, and “Sorry” become second nature. Children discover the joy in helping others and being a Good Samaritan. They understand to appreciate the people, events and things around them. They learn to appreciate Mother Earth and how to apply environmental sustainability to everyday life.
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