舊金山華埠 慶祝國慶
San Francisco Chinatown National Day Celebration






「中華文化學習中心」的 TCML 學生在遊行中擔任了帶隊角色,參與了整個遊行活動。這次體驗讓學生們感到非常有趣,他們被現場的熱情氛圍深深吸引,許多人揮手、拍照並與他們互動。學生們認為這次經歷對他們的文化認同有很大幫助,留下了深刻的印象。計劃在未來的活動中增加更多的表演,以提高能見度並讓更多人瞭解我們的文化。



On October 6th, a lively celebration of the National Day of the Republic of China was held in San Francisco’s Chinatown. The event drew a large crowd, with enthusiastic participation and cheers echoing throughout. Highlights included a spectacular performance by the Whampoa Military Academy and traditional dragon and lion dances, which captivated the attention of many onlookers.


Student Participation:
Our TCML students played a leading role in the parade, actively participating throughout the event. They found the experience very enjoyable and were deeply engaged by the enthusiastic atmosphere. Many waved, took photos, and interacted with them. The students felt this experience greatly enhanced their cultural identity and left a lasting impression. CCLC plans to incorporate more performances in future events to increase visibility and raise awareness of our culture.

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Chinese Cultural Learning Center