Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration




由「中華文化學習中心」 與 「Richmond District 圖書館」 聯合舉辦的中秋節慶典 於9月14日圓滿結束,吸引了眾多社區居民前來參與。活動現場,漢服展示贏得了陣陣掌聲,觀眾們對中國傳統服飾的精美設計和深厚文化底蘊表現出極大的興趣。此外,卡拉OK社交環節讓整個活動充滿歡樂與互動,來賓們以歌會友,度過了一個難忘的下午。




The Mid-Autumn Festival celebration, co-hosted by the Chinese Cultural Learning Center and the Richmond District Library, concluded successfully on September 14th, drawing many community members to participate.


The Hanfu showcase received rounds of applause, with the audience expressing great interest in the intricate designs and rich cultural heritage of traditional Chinese clothing. Additionally, the karaoke social segment filled the event with joy and interaction, allowing attendees to connect through music and enjoy an unforgettable afternoon.


“This event exceeded our expectations, and we are thrilled to see such enthusiasm and interest in Chinese culture,” said Celine, Director of the Chinese Cultural Learning Center. Through this event, community members not only experienced the traditions of the Mid-Autumn Festival but also strengthened connections and communication with each other.



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Chinese Cultural Learning Center